I was a student looking for a way to diversify my wardrobe without having to spend too much money.
So, I’ve started making little adjustments to my clothes or buying items from second hand stores and personalizing them. By that time in our country, this wasn’t something popular and not so trendy either. But that is how I’ve developed a passion for what today we call upcycled fashion.
I became convinced that there is another way and I believe that today’s society is ready for such a message. By becoming more and more aware of the implications of the fast-fashion industry on the environment, we can change the consumerism that still defines us. We want to contribute to building a more sustainable fashion industry and create a real change in the way we consume. But Velements is more than a sustainable fashion project.
Velements is about a new chance. It’s about the old becoming the new. It’s about not judging by the past, but by the potential for the future. We invite you to become part of our story and help us make the world a better place.